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Top Scores achieved for Automotive Employment NZ’s Immigration Adviser

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Becoming a licensed immigration adviser is a special achievement.  Long hours of continuous study and 2 years of intensive supervision are just some of the sacrifices.  The effective Licensed Immigration adviser has much to learn.  With clamp downs on immigration policy achieving work visas and residency has never been more challenging.

Not only does Automotive Employment NZ employ our own licensed immigration adviser through parent company JOBCORP NZ Ltd, but she is among the best academic achievers in the industry.

Scoring 4 straight (A+) results and a 5th (A) Vanessa Godbaz has achieved excellence.  Her lowest score in the (Level 7) Graduate Diploma in New Zealand Immigration Advice was a B+.

How important is the level of achievement a licensed immigration adviser possesses in choosing the right adviser to represent you? The answer lies in how important it is to have a work visa or residency approved. During Covid-19 this becomes particularly relevant as Immigration New Zealand questions every minor detail of an application in order to ensure New Zealanders are not displaced from jobs. Every application is a potential minefield. 

Vanessa Godbaz is not only qualified and has achieved academic excellence, but her experience and track record of success is 100%. 

Vanessa’s (Level 7) Graduate Diploma in New Zealand Immigration Advice is complimented by another degree level qualification, being her Bachelor of Business Studies.    She is also an active member of the NZ Association for Migration and Investment (NZAMI), an industry group which is currently in bi- weekly discussions with Immigration New Zealand managers to lobby for more effective and supportive immigration policies.

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