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New WhatsApp Immigration Group for Employers and Migrants

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Sometimes simple is better


As many of you know, Automotive Employment NZ employ our own licensed immigration adviser.


In order to provide updates on immigration issues easily during COVID-19 we are resorting to the simplest form of communication we can.  This is WhatsApp,  a platform we know most migrants use.


The WhatsApp group is primarily one way, with Vanessa sending the latest information she gets as an immigration adviser directly from Immigration New Zealand (INZ). She is also a member of the NZ Association for Migration and Investment (NZAMI), who are currently having discussions with INZ Managers in a fortnightly meeting, in addition to providing structured suggestions on how to get through the current situation.


      License number 201900114


These WhatsApp Immigration alerts will provide up to the minute developments on all immigration issues and policies as they emerge.  You do not have to be a client to receive them, it is part of our COVID-19 initiatives.  


Two way communication is currently available but not for personal immigration advice, which must be directed through your own immigration adviser. Vanessa is more than happy to act as your adviser if you email her at 


JOBCORP NZ is our parent company of Automotive Employment NZ Ltd and the corporate services side of the business.  


The information provided will be general. As New Zealand’s borders will be closed for the foreseeable future this group will be most useful for migrants who are on shore, and their New Zealand employers.  INZ are not prioritising visas for off shore migrants at this stage.


To join the group simply open the link below in a web browser on whatever device you are using Whatsapp on. Feel free to pass this on to anyone who may find it useful.


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